My Diary Explodes With Delight

It is with some hesitation and trepidation that I am pleased to announce that I have moved my diary across to a MySQL back-end.

Yes, until today my diary has been running out of a flat text file. A 500 KB pipe separated text file no less. Oh the shame.

Well, this site has been running on the same code I wrote back in 2000 before I had access to MySQL, and since then it has waited patiently for me to finish my CMS. But that's still months away, so I rewrote it all this evening.

While I was at it, I figured it was about time I had an RSS 1.0 feed, and you can find that at This is my first live RSS feed, so although it should be fine, if I've done something wrong do say. It is a partial feed, no HTML, first three sentences only - my thinking is that'll be enough of a taster, but you'll still have to come here to see it. Is that so wrong? Let me know.

I also took the opportunity to add friendly URLs; /diary/archive/YYYY/MM works, but only for browsing months - individual entries are currently at /diary/id/NN, although I might add YYYY/MM/XX support later. There's also a shortcut for the latest comments (/diary/comments).

Now you can't complain! Well, you can, the content's not improved yet :)


Comments should work now *shame*

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