Hospital Appointment Joke

Ok, so as you may remember, I was referred to a specialist at a hospital about my on-going nose issues. The fact that the hospital was an hour away was bad enough, but when I got there it was even more of a joke.

First of all, although I thought I had been referred to a specialist, I was actually referred to his clinic. That meant that I didn't get to see him, instead I saw a nurse. Now I'm sure that nurses are very competent, but they're still not doctors. Not that I think doctors are all that either, but that's a different story.

The nurse then did exactly the same thing as the two GPs I've seen - she asked me what happens, what I've been taking, and she looked up my nose. Oh, no, to be fair she did demonstrate her specialist knowledge of the Ear Nose and Throat field - she looked in my ear and saw some wax. Yeah, because I can see how ear wax would be blocking my nose.

Next she said that she needed to test me for allergies, only they didn't have the kits in Redruth. Here comes the best bit - she said she'd have to refer me to Treliske, right here in Truro where I should have been sent in the first place.

Yes, that's right, I saw GPs in April, September, November, waited until February for an appointment with the specialist who I didn't get to see, and now I have to wait another two or three months to see an allergy tester in Truro, who will no doubt need to refer me to a consultant in Newcastle to analyse the results.

Loving the NHS.




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