I'm in the process of stumbling around the internet checking rough values of things, affecting whether I chuck them, keep them or sell them.
Anyway, went to Maplin today - here's a lesson in why you should tailor front page article summaries, rather than just cutting the article to the first few words:
The Robosapien rocked our world with its release in 2003, and now the Robosapien V2 is going to blow...
Well, I'm sold.
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Today was the last full day I'll ever spend in my home of 22.58 years. Quite sad, but hey, life goes on. As I've mentioned before, I've been packing for the past few weeks - going through old bits of paper and sorting out what stuff I want to keep, and whether the stuff I don't is worth sending off to auction.
This whole thing would have probably been a bit easier if it wasn't for the builders all over the house. For example, today when I wanted to go get a box from my ...
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