
Apparently I'm not the only person who's been having problems with their computers today.

The National Trust, the Inland Revenue and the National Insurance Office all told me that they could not help me with my problems because their computers were down, so I have to ring them back tomorrow.

Something I didn't mention was the new cordless telephones I have bought. They are quite nice - I bought a twin pack, so I can now call Leela's handset up when she's in the other room.

I also forgot to say that Leela's mini ipod has been returned - it only lasted a month before it completely died, showing the sad ipod icon and making a quiet clicking noise. When I sent it off, the UPS man at the door said "You stick that bit on there and put the ipod in that", so I asked "Do you get a lot of these?" Yes, he said. There was one guy who sent it back 5 times and it still wasn't working.

This just reinforces my opinion that Apple produce shoddy products that are inferior in every way to other cheaper products, and only achieve their market domination thanks to over-hyped comments by the media, either from fan-boys or the technically illiterate. And Slashdot seems to agree.

Still need a mac mini though :p


Ah yes, but you've forgotten Rio's inability to write firmware!

What's wrong with the Rio firmware? Mine's brilliant!

Mine's broken :(

The one they sent me to replace the broken one is broken :(

Oh, crazy! What happened with it? Mine's been going strong for a year :/

Keeps rebooting randomly. Sent it back because of that. New one does the same thing, but less often. Dammit, icq!


iTunes... Free
iPod... ££
2-way synchronisation... priceless

Rio... £££
Having it show up in windows as just another removable drive, and not using any piece of crap apple wrote... free
Not deleting all of your music becuase you happen to own two ipods and apple can't write software... priceless

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