I Have Two Owwies

Last night I decided that it was not enough to have an ankle with torn ligaments, so I grated my index finger with a nutmeg grater. Ok, maybe that's not quite how it went down, but the end result is the same - a bleeding painful finger with the skin shredded with lots of deep cuts from side to side. And of course it's on my right hand, and just on the corner that makes typing and writing painful. Oh well, could be worse!

Going to see Sin City tonight. No idea what it's about, but I watched Under Siege last night, setting a high standard for it to follow, so it had better be good.


Concerning Sin City... if you're not sick (in the head) when you see it, you may well be sick (physically) at some point during or after.

Ok, so maybe it's not quite that extreme... but there were points last night when I had to ask myself why I was watching it. It certainly cuts the 18 certificate grade.

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