5 Years and 1000 Entries

It has been a full 5 years since I opened radiac.net, and this also just happens to be news entry 1000! How exciting!

As you may have noticed, I have half done the long-awaited redesign! Only half-done though, have only had time to do the design and basic structure, the rest of the content will follow along once I get my CMS finished. Although I have added the 'caption of the day' at the top right of each page - it changes once a day!

So, 1000 entries in 5 years. A lot has happened in 5 years. Well of course it has, 5 years ago I was in the 6th form at Tonbridge, sorting out some music competition, having revelations that were unrelated to my 20-can-a-day Sprite habit, watching Jennicam, and spending almost every waking minute on TR. Those were the days when Force 9 had server outages, when nobody could argue that Quake 2 wasn't the best deathmatch game ever, when I was still new to the joys of teaching, and before I had passed my driving test. So yes, I guess at 17 there's a lot of scope for a lot to change in 5 years, and it certainly has. I didn't expect I'd be sitting in my girlfriend's living room writing this entry, for a start. But really I think that as long as the next 5 years can be as interesting and varied as the past 5, I'll be doing well. Let's wait and see. Here's to the past 5 years, and here's to the next. See you at diary entry 2000 :)



I can't believe its been 5 years ;-)

Wonders if the TCMI is compatable with the new design ;-p

Of course! The TCMI works with everything!

The Doctor

5 years, eh? Seems like only yesterday.
Ah... for me it was, though for you it's tomorrow. Oi... gimme back my Tardis

Oooh pretty change. It's like there's no tables randomly arranged in here anymore.

Nice... though this does imply you were working on a website instead of playing san andreas... O_o


Thank you :) And yes, I have been working on work rather than playing SA. Alas, I am away from my main machine again, and my laptop onboard graphics card is too puny to even contemplate displaying the loading screen, let alone run the game. Pity me! ;)


Hello, I think it looks very pretty, although it would be better if it was pink :) And you're lame for making me do this when you're in the same room as me!

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