
Just did a curiosity google for 'yay', and yay.org.uk has moved from results page 13 to page 1, at 6th place! Yay!

Just after the Japanese 'Yay' search engine, and "Homoeroticism Yay!, the clique for anyone and everyone who likes their Buffy and Angel a little bit...gay."

Right. Still at least 2 places to climb then...

In other news, I have lots more work, but am happy about it because it's work that I want to do, and work that will need my CMS, so I can feel justified devoting time to it. Which is what I have done this afternoon, and my parser now parses a string and knows when to output and when to shut up. I feel like I'm making progress! But I'm really not. Oh well!

Leela says it is time for me to take her out for dinner, so bye bye!



If you search for "yay" in google pages from the UK it is actually second


Sorry i have the forgotten to read the blog for the while. Reading will (probably not) resume as I will not (forget) about it again. Don't worry, it's not just you :)

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