New shiny car
I have my new shiny car. I picked it up yesterday - it had been held up because they hadn't given it an MOT. All sorted now though.

For those of you interested in details, it is a 2002 5-door 1.4 vauxhall corsa comfort. For those of you interested in more details, it has 16 valves, power steering, electric windows and wing mirrors, air conditioning, and remote central locking. Compared to my previous car, which has... wheels. Incidentally, anyone after a cheapish-yet-functional mk4 '96 Fiesta should enquire within - it's only done 45,000 miles and in 5 years it's never let me down, and it would be a perfect first car. I also have a Kenwood minidisk head unit and an Aiwa MP3 CD head unit for sale if anyone's interested, again, price is negotiable.
I figured out the css/table problem I mentioned a while back by replacing the tables with divs and uls. Still works semantically, so bonus. I've now started working on the second flash CD - at least in spirit. I'm finding myself a bit busy IRL to get much work done at the moment, so CAPMS has made absolutely 0% progress, which sucks. Maybe next month :)
Nice. When are you going to be adding the spolier, blue under lighting, alloy wheels, "pimped out stereo" and tv screens in coupled to mir?
Maybe you should consider drop down picnic trays they made my dad's really old car cool. ~:)
It's all on order!
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