Productivity Levels Low

Last week was mostly spent working, most days from approximately 9 or 10am to 3 or 4am. Monday I fixed the samba problem with my server and then worked, Tuesday I worked, Wednesday I worked on something different, Thursday I worked, and Friday I worked and then helped celebrate Peter's birthday by visiting the pub and then going to the cinema to watch Team America: World Police. Damn I love that film. Then on Saturday I did some work, Leela came over and helped me eat some chocolate cake, and on Sunday I bought a stapler and some white stickers, and did some more work on my other website. Yesterday was a bit of a waste really - I planned to swap my servers over and move the hard drives from one to the other too; instead of a morning it managed to take all day, and it turns out the 250gb hard drive is actually totally broken. Hurrah. I then decided to play counterstrike: source for the first time in about a month, but steam couldn't connect to the cs servers because I'd managed to choose the very day they released a big upgrade. So I gave up and watched some TV instead. But now, and for the rest of today, back to the work.

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