And for my next trick...

Well, I think it's done! Pending some more proof-reading, I think I've finished my report. For those of you having problems finishing it, here's a helpful little trick I picked up, which really sped up the process:

  1. Find a chapter you haven't written yet
  2. Delete all reference to it
  3. Go to 1 until the project is complete

So, anyway, for your viewing pleasure, here are the last two videos. I stuck a camera above my monitor, and one to the left of it, and put the following picture on full-screen:

I then recorded me moving my hand at the screen, and ran it through a fancy script that prints in the top left corner what it thinks I'm pointing at. The resulting videos are here:

Top (407kb)

Left (426kb)

Now all I've got to do is print and bind it...



Not long till hand-in time now! I see by the handy little counter on the side of your page that there is little over 3hrs! I wish you goodluck :)

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