Sorry Dabs

Perhaps I was a bit quick to condemn dabs - everything has now arrived. Excellent! My camera can now fit 1044 photos on a single card, which is nice, and my gps thingy works very well - I used it on a short journey yesterday and it told me to turn left and right very nicely, and when I decided to turn right early to avoid traffic, it figured out where I was and changed the route accordingly. Bless!

In other news I had a mini crisis last night concerning my personal projects; why am I bothering to do them when there are things out there that basically do what I want. But after I had stopped talking to Tristan, I realised that there wasn't actually anything written that did what I need, so it's back to the list.

The list which is now one item shorter, because I have finished another website - well, finished a CSS redesign to tidy up my portfolio a bit - for Hilary Davan Wetton. Let me know what you think...


I think... it looks very nice, but somewhat similar to The Man in Blue ( (Are we allowed HTML in your comments, btw?)

Yeah, I was impressed by the simple background and shadowy bits, so when HDW asked me to redo his site (for free), I thought I'd use the idea :p

I can't remember what and how much HTML you can use - the comments were a quick hack waiting for a proper rewrite that has still not come...

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