Mmmm head crabs

So this morning a little jiffy bag arrived from Play - yay!

I'm not sure about this Steam nonsense, but Half-Life 2 looks pretty neat, even on this machine. I was just going to go in and mess about a bit, but in the end I accidentally played through the first few levels. I was as hooked as in Far Cry, only I didn't even have any weapons. I was mostly amused by the way the scientist looked shocked when I threw a can of coke at his head. And when I clubbed a policeman round the head with my crowbar and got my first pistol, the game became a very beautiful thing. I can see myself playing this a lot...

Anyway, I'm off to be injected with viruses now - yay!


Steam "nonsense" not a problem as far as i'm conscerned, i d/led the 5gig for hl2 CS:S and HL:S in the evening from there and knowing that it's really to make sure it's a legal copy doesn't bother me.

Hl2 is great though ~:D

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