Diary: November 2004
This morning, I awoke to the 'beep-beep--beep-beep' of my phone. It was from Leela, who informed me that she had walked into the mantlepiece, hit her head and passed out. Having discussed times with her, I believe she passed out for about half an hour. She then proceeded to be fairly concussed and confused for the rest of the day, which was quite amusing when we went for lunch. Although she refused to let me take her to the hospital, she did let me check her pupils, which, in my expert opinion, were round. So I think she's ok ...
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I want a shower.
I have woken up, done some work, had some breakfast and it is now time for a shower. But there are men sitting outside in garden chairs, staring through my bathroom window, which doesn't have a curtain. So I'm going to hang around and wait for them to leave. They can't sit there all day?
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I knew it was only a matter of time, but I am now recieving more spam per minute than my server can handle.
I checked my mail queue today and it was 102 waiting to be processed and delivered. By the time it had got the queue down to 58, it had downloaded another 17 and pushed it up again. Sure, it'll catch up eventually, and I'm assigning another process to max out the cpu and help it clear the backlog, but with nearly 7000 spams a day and only 3 or 4 real e-mails (and even those ...
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