One down, two to go...

Well, I've taken my first exam. Went OK, I think... Next one is on Friday, at the ungodly hour of 9.30am. How do they expect anyone to do any well that early? Well, back to the revision.

I'd like to apologise for the dullness of my diary of late. Too much work done, not enough sleep had, and nothing of interest occured. Well, nothing I'm going to tell you about. Will have more interesting things to say from this time next week, when I will be FREE! And unemployed - woo! Bring on the dole!

Oh, and thanks for the sympathetic comments on my previous entry! Didn't send me to sleep during the exam, but I was exhausted by about 10 in the evening. Still, seems to be working pretty well! Oh typical, I just sneezed. Never mind.



Good luck with your exams matey!

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