Birthday Fun

Today I was woken by a text message wishing me a happy birthday, and the rest of the day has followed a similar plan - I had lots of cards and presents and things, including jumpers, DVDs, a photo album, chocolate and money. Went round to a friends house for lunch (which was delicious, but massive) and left there at 5.30. Got home, and went out for dinner at 6.30, which was again delicious, but massive, so I am feeling very full. Probably didn't help that I have now eaten all of my chocolates... And after that, Leela rang me. Oh yes, yay for a month :)

So now I'm 21. Scary stuff.

Thank you everyone who has sent me cards, presents, e-mails, text messages, instant messages and/or commented on my previous entry, and enjoy this. And to those of you who haven't, shame on you!

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