Career Change

Hi everyone, just thought you'd like to know that, in light of my recent realisation that I'm going to fail my degree, I have decided to launch my male modelling career. Look out for my 2004 calendar, in all good calendar retailers from Monday!

And I hope you're all as outraged at this news story as I am:

Slade's Merry Christmas Everybody has been dropped from an airport playlist after it was panned in a passenger survey.
How can it be Christmas without Slade? It's the first song I play at midnight on the morning of the 1st of December EVERY YEAR (as a quick trawl of the archives will no doubt prove). It's blatently the most Christmassy song around!

So anyway, today I got a surprise lift up to uni this morning, I made my 12.15 lecture, and I got home to find a box of chocolates from my boss person at tonbschl! Excellent :)

Shame about the project meeting - he had a go at me for not doing enough work. Well, he had a go at me for not doing any work. Which is fair enough, I guess. And then he told me about someone who's already basically done my project, only they've done it better than I was going to do it. But never mind :)

Now to break the back of the compilers.



Thanks, your silly site just murdered the ambience of "mad world" by tears for fears! GRRRRRR! :( hehehe

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