Ho Ho Ho

Tonbschl site nearly finished now! Yay! Back to the coursework...

Yesterday I worked out why my contact lenses are sucking at the moment; they're monthly ones, and I should have started wearing the new ones on monday. And they always get bad towards the end of the month anyway. Of course, I have 3 months worth of new lenses waiting for me at home, but I'm not going to be home for another couple of weeks. So I've sent instructions for someone to pick them up and post them on *giggle*

But of course I have run out of contact lense solution, so I had to go into Boots to get a new pack - £8! What a joke, I've got loads just sitting at home, doing nothing, never going to be used. But it's not all bad; my contact lenses are paid for by direct debit from my mums bank account, but the Boots account is in my name. A few months ago, they changed the type of cleaning solution, and the new stuff is cheaper than the old stuff, and so today, they sent me a refund - a cheque for £12.80, made payable to me! Yay :)

So anyway, coursework. Yep, really should get on with that.

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