Diary: December 2003

radiac has a gown (being worn), a flathead screwdriver, an atomic plotter, and no tea

In the spirit of all things coursework, allow me to introduce my friends snow fight and fan and ball.

And for the first time in a long time, I'm up later than my flatmates...

And right before your very eyes, radiac transforms into Midnight Radiac! (Cue scary music) Just like clark kent transforming into superman in a phone box! Apart from not really, because you can see radiac putting his headphones on, and it doesnt look anywhere as near as cool as the funky blur effect they get in superman films. One day... one day...

Yeah, so it looks ...

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So anyway, that's that coursework finished. In the end it really really sucked, it didnt work, and I gave up and handed it in. Never mind.

Now I have to finish my literature search (read 'find some relevant papers'...) and write my literature review, which was due in on Monday. Preferably by the end of today, because I don't want to do it tomorrow.


I just slept for 12 hours. Well, before that I hadn't been to bed in about 40...

Time to work!

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Thoroughly productive!

After what, 7 hours, I have started work.

In that time, I have:

  • Showered, shaved and dressed myself - yes, I do want a gold star
  • Talked to friends - always good
  • Tested winamp 5 RC10 - and liked it
  • Watched television - it was the pre-budget report. Labour (who still suck) kept shouting the poor tory guy down, and the TV people cut him off mid sentence
  • Tidied my desk - need to read books!
  • Watched alias - get it out of the way so we can work
  • Noticed the time - oh dear.
Right, so anyway, time to get back to the work!

But before ...

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Right, well thats the literature search done... mostly... Hmm. Going to do my dissertation *before* the last week of next semester...

Having a party here tomorrow night - the first Lunatics Annual Atrocious Films Festival (LAAFF, pronounced LAAAAAAA-FFFFFFF, with an odd expression on your face). We will watch bad films and eat food. It will be glorious. And annual, so those of you who miss LAAFF 2003 will get to turn up to LAAFF 2004. Please note that just because it is annual, it does not mean that it will only happen once a year, and neither does it mean that ...

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