Ray Tracey Goodness
Finished my ray tracer last night. For some reason (damn you, mihtjel), I thought it would be a good idea to then add cubes, rather than doing the writeup.
This was at 5pm.
There was a film on at bufs which I had wanted to see. However, coursework must come first, I said to myself...
Cubes can be defined in 3d space by defining planes and then bounding them.
By 11pm I was starting to think that maybe implementing cubes wasn't such a great idea. My planes worked, but the bounding, uh, didn't.
By 2am I decided it would be a good idea to start the write-up while waiting for my images to render. Unfortunately I had chosen a fairly complicated scene, and poor little mir didn't like that. The fact that it waited until it reached 86% before it told me was not really too helpful, especially since it took about 12 minutes to get to 86%. Thinking it might have had something to do with the way I had compiled/run it, I tried again. Four times. Then I gave up, copied it to one of the uni servers, ran it and it traced the rays in about a minute. Depressing.
So anyway, I finished printing my work at about 4.15, and went to bed at about 4.30, finally fell asleep about an hour later, and got up at 7.30 for my 9.15 lecture.
But at least my render looks kinda pretty:
Sorry :( I'll never do it again, promise :(
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