
I had too much to drink last night...

It was Hannah's birthday (happy birthday Hannah!) so we wandered over there and drank wussy shots of things like archers aqua and beer and champagne. Well, I say shots, but I had a wine glass and whenever Laura poured me a drink it took up half the glass - I poured one out into shot glasses just to see, I ended up with 3. But anyway, the idea was to drink 21 shots (Hannah being 21... happy birthday Hannah!), I made 14 (I got there late! although I guess it was really more like 42), and then we went to Caddies where we sat around chatting and I drank more and it was fun.

And then we left at about 1, I got home, didn't drink any water and didn't get enough sleep since I went to bed at about 2. Oh, and I fell asleep as soon as I fell into bed (awquardly), and so I ache.

Anyway, time to get ready for my 10.15


Happy birthday Hannah! (Whoever you are! :-))


Thank you for coming out, again!! You're all lovely, even Stewart Priest!
Also a big thank you for not saying how drunk and silly i was (well it's been done now, but you know what i mean!)
Love Hannah xxx

You weren't drunk and silly! It was your birthday, and a lot of fun! :)

Ben Noakes

Ahh Richard how familiar that little story sounds.... any shots in test tubes though? and were you chatting up the waitress?

There weren't any waitresses :(

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