Get ready

I hope you all have your sacrificial altars ready, there's a lunar total eclipse expected tonight. Apparently it will start at 11.30pm, and the total eclipse will last from 1.06am to 1.31am. Hopefully there wont be clouds so we'll be able to see it, unlike the aurora they promised us after the sun went crazy.


Shall I bring the granite or the marble alter over? (personally I think the marble is a little OTT, but well, you know what Tristan is like.) Or just the silver, jade encrusted, sacrificial knife?

Doubt with all your flunitrazepam you'll have problems getting hold of some virgins?


Yes, marble all the way. You have to do these things properly, you know.


I. Am. Very. Scared. Of. You. All. Now.


As am I


We had to call the whole thing off... too cloudy. In the meantime lets do some nice weather dances and hope for sun for the next eclipse.

Eeek, solar flares & red moons.

The End is Nigh! ;)

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