We Love Geographical Limericks

Ok, I've given up on the Moo thing, I've got 10 and probably won't get many more. Thank you for all that helped :)

So anyway, Limericks. The internet is full of them, but mostly they don't rhyme (or even worse use the same word twice) and/or have really bad rhythm. And let's face it, the only real limericks are geographical ones, ie ones that start with 'There once was a [person] from [place]'. I believe I have found the only one on the internet that doesn't suck:

There was once a man from Darjeeling

Who boarded a bus bound for Ealing.

It said on the door

Please don't spit on the floor

So he stood up and spat on the ceiling.

and I fixed this one so it works better:

There once was a man from Peru

Who wanted to build a canoe.

He got to the river

And found with a shiver

He hadn't used waterproof glue.

So, on the back of the Moos, todays challenge is to find me more geographical limericks that don't suck, and post them to the comments section!


It's not geographical, but my colleague Adrian's latest made me laff: http://www.holovaty.com/blog/archive/2003/10/18/2320

It is very good :)


Heheh, thanks, Nat :)

There was once a dude in Japan
Who drank oolong tea by the can
He couldn't complain
For he had a new name:
From now on he'd be Tony-san


I don't know how good this is, but it's original and it's surely better than the unpleasant 'classic' it replaces:

There once was a man from Nantucket
In a fight with a guy with a bucket.
Sure he would win,
He said with a grin:
"If you swing at my head, I will duck it!"

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