We Love Online Banking

Just logged into my bank to check how much my flatmates owe me this week, and got one of their helpful popup messages:

We have introduced a new 'Personal details' screen, which will display your name, date of birth, home address and telephone numbers.

Well, that's handy, in case I forget my name, date of birth, home address or telephone numbers, but when I can still remember my 12 digit ID code, my password, which must be over 7 characters in length and contain letters and numbers, and my memorable information, which must be over 6 characters and also contain numerical and alphabetical characters.

In other news, today I woke up.

Oh oh oh wait, no I remember, actually I've done loads of cool stuff since my last diary post.

A friend of a friend of Tristan's came to stay on friday - she was called Kelsey (sp?), and she left today. They went off and did stuff in bath this weekend, so I didnt have to put up with him, which was nice. Just kidding Tristan, now go get me my tropicana.

I think I've given him my cold now. Well, if I have, to be more accurate it would be him getting it from me, since I'm as careful as I can be not to pass it around, ie I stay in my room and dont go into other peoples... On the other hand, he might have picked up one from somewhere else, in which case he has now given it to me, since he's been in and stood at the side of my desk and talked to me twice tonight. If you know the size of my room and the space at the side of the desk, I think you'll agree that if it's a different cold, I'll have it by now :)

Back to the excitement. Saturday, I watched the matrix reloaded, and it sucked as much as it did the first time.

Last night we crashed Matt's party. Well, kinda; he had sent a friend an SMS saying 'all welcome', so she assumed that included us, and passed it on. However, what she failed to pass on was the other bit of the message, which read 'dress smart'... poor Tristan.

We ended up sitting in the corner on what I can only assume was the children's table; around us were people dressed in smart casual and dresses and tuxes, sitting at their tables being very polite and appropriate. And then there were us, breathing in the helium balloons, eating/snorting sherbert dib-dabs, and blowing bubbles all over the table from those soap bubble bottle things. It was a lot of fun :)

And Laura drew pictures of us. Which reminds me, sometime I really must put up the wallpaper I drew.



LOL you make us being the losers table sound really amusing XD XD XD *is laughing uncontrollably in the library*

Should that be "went off and did stuff in Bath" or "went off and did stuff in THE bath" ? Arf.

Simon, you dirty boy! Well, at least you brought it up for me... I wasn't going to bother pointing that one out!


Oh dear....you sad people :)

You're the one who sat in the library all afternoon :p


shut up! you would have done if you hadn't have had internet at home :~(

I can confirm laura's last comment. As at the beginning of the second year we were without any internet (not even dialup) for a month.

I didn't have ADSL at home for the first two or three weeks of the first year. So I sat in the hallway on my laptop on dialup :)

And that time I went to Devon for a week? Bought a new mobile phone for the IR connection, so I could still get on the internet with my Psion.

I simply will not do without the internet :)

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