Diary: August 2003


Today (ok peter, yesterday) I accidentally bought another computer.

Went to dabs looking for a monitor, and found a nice 17" Iiyama one with dual input - handy, because it's going to be the monitor for two computers. And then, for some reason, I thought I'd check out motherboards. After I had added a couple more things, I'd ended up with a computer for £87 (needing a couple of spare bits I have lying around) - how could I say no? So then I chucked in some spares (PSU, 120gb hard drive and a DVD drive), and placed the ...

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Last Week Of Courses!

I'm just working afternoons this week, and I've got 6 kids. 3 of which are known well by all the adults and most of the children for four reasons:

  1. They are always on a course (morning and afternoon for 6 weeks)
  2. They have therefore done all the courses before
  3. They need to be better than the others
In my second year, there were these four kids, we'll call them A, B, C and D - all nice children on their own, but put them with another child and they need to ...

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