Came across this...
*Sigh* another week of teaching starts tomorrow... morning and afternoon :(
Guess I should also mention that Tristan has started a blog. I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that I started my diary on back in May 2000, and before that I was running one for quite some time (a year or so?) on (unfortunately lost due to an ISP that used to be incompetent) - well before everyone else at school/uni/TR started! Mwhahahah! Achem. Hmm. These things are very important to me :p Hell, it was even before the term [we]blog sprang up, or at least before it came into common usage... This is why I have a diary, not a blog. It's a matter of principle. I am extremely resistant to change of any type, apart from the weather. Speaking of which, it's getting hotter. I was driving round today, and noticed that I had to open the window. This is good. Need new speakers for my car though, I've got two crappy manufacturer-supplied door panel ones. The Chemical Brothers don't like it :p
Well, I'd better get off to bed otherwise I won't wake up in time to teach the little people how to draw pictures.
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