
I've just received in the post a Netgear WG602, wireless network access point. Trying to get it to work on a pocket pc is a bitch. So I thought 'Hey, I'll try making it work on my laptop'.

My laptop is running Windows 98.

You have changed your ip address. In order for these changes to take effect, you must reboot your computer. Would you like to reboot your computer now?


You have plugged in a network card. In order for these changes to take effect, you must reboot your computer. Would you like to reboot your computer now?

It's taking a while to get going, so I thought I'd make a diary entry.

You have put a floppy disk in the drive. In order for these changes to take effect, you must reboot your computer. Would you like to reboot your computer now?

I'm having a really fun holiday. Couple of days ago, Elfie kindly opened a bill that had arrived for me, and rang me up asking me why we were getting a bill for gas going back to august last year, and had I not paid the bills which I had collected the money for, and what the hell is going on. I explained that the gas company is incompetant, and told her to forward my mail on to me, and I would deal with it. Oh yeah, in case I haven't mentioned it before, paying the bills for the bath flat has fallen to me.

You have loaded Microsoft Windows. In order for these changes to take effect, you must reboot your computer. Would you like to reboot your computer now?

So I rang the gas company, and told them that they are incompetent. See, the problem is that they had been billing me as 'The Occupier', despite me filling out whatever forms they told me to. So I paid the bills. Then I had an extremely large phone bill, so I rang up to check. At which point, they decided to change the account name. And of course, since Richard Terry hasn't paid any bills, I get all the bills since when I moved in. I explained all this to the woman today, and she said 'oh, uhhhhhh ok please hold', and then went away for a while. Quite a while. She returned and said 'oh, well, ok, you'll need to send proof of payment to us'. I was like 'um, well, don't you have that?'. Like I said, incompetent.

You have moved the mouse. In order for these changes to take effect, you must reboot your computer. Would you like to reboot your computer now?

Wonder who's going to be in the pub tonight.

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