Diary: August 2002


I've had emails and sms', the morning group is actually pretty good, and the afternoon group is getting on with their websites very well. As in some are playing games, some are surfing, and none are asking questions. And my car hasnt been broken into!

An excellent day after all ;)

On a vaigly related note, I have recently become aware of the national insurance I have to pay on my earnings. I have to pay approximately £15 per week, which is equivalent to an hour of work. So, since, in effect, I will not be paid for an hour ...

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Oops, I Did It Again

Was driving home from the pub last night (after drinking only lemonade, in case you were wondering), coming round a bend when a car came towards me with their headlights on full. I couldn't see a thing, so slammed on my brakes, rather than driving into trees or the car. And of course, my wheels locked, I skidded along the road, smashed into the pavement and came to a stop back on the road, just in time to see my hub cap do a graceful arc across in front of me. It was pretty scary at the time, and ...

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It's Happening Again

Last week of holiday courses tomorrow. Yay!

Hmmm. Holiday courses tomorrow.


Just been to see 8 legged freaks. Fun film.

WWW and Computer Art tomorrow. Tempted to lecture the WWW group on Perl, and tell the CA group 'Load MS Paint and draw pictures'. Or I could attempt a small-scale version of the 'infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters will eventually write a masterpiece' saying, and hope I end up with something I can print and sell for millions...

Bed time :p

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