Yes Mother, That's Right, The Car Stalled Itself

There's a new South Park episode. Very good :)

Went into town this morning with my mum and gran, where we met some of their friends and I ate toast. I drove home, because I take 10 minutes less than my mum, who is really bad at driving. Sane people would take 5 minutes at the most. I drove home, because I take 3 minutes less than sane people.

Had tacos tonight. It was nice. I am painfully full.

It is very very very cold here. Our boiler is screwed. Recently, it has taken to boiling the water, realising that the water is now too hot, panicking and pushing the water out at quite a rate. The water gushes upstairs, rockets through the pipes (makes them shake a lot - I'm sure something's going to snap or come loose soon), and goes into the cold water tank. After a couple of seconds, the cold water tank gets full, and the water goes into the overflow tank, which, true to its name, overflows all over my ceiling and pours onto my bed. So most of the time, we keep the boiler turned off. And since it is very very cold outside (our lawn was white today from the hail), it gets very very cold inside. Turned the cold water tap on for 30 seconds this morning, I swear the temperature rose 10 degrees...

Um, nothing much else to say. I'm a very boring person, really.

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