Thank God, It's An Anniversary Special

It's really great that the main TV channels are running a September 11th anniversary special, I felt they didn't give it enough attention last year. I mean, it only lasted what, 5 or 6 months? It's outrageous, they really didnt give us a chance to deal with the terrible loss of approximately 2801 people. This horiffic act of terrorism puts the billions who died in the preceding century due to terrorism, war, famine, sanctions and natural or unnatural disasters into perspective; people die all the time, but never so many innocent civilians in an unprovoked attack on American soil.

So I sit here in thanks to the BBC, ITV and most of Sky, while I watch the Americans in the service in London incorrectly mouthing the words to their own national anthem, and feel Good about the way that we have pledged our support to that fine country, a fine country who have probably reduced their financial support for terrorist groups around the world this past year, such as the IRA (who, when you think about it, weren't really that bad after all), a fine country who, with our support, has already liberated Afghanistan with only a few thousand civilian casualties, and, with God's good grace, we shall continue on to liberate the people of Iraq and Zimbabe, and all the other oppressed members of this planet from the tyranny of governments who refuse to fall in line run their countries the right way.

God bless us, God bless our governments and TV stations, and God bless America.

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