
I've had emails and sms', the morning group is actually pretty good, and the afternoon group is getting on with their websites very well. As in some are playing games, some are surfing, and none are asking questions. And my car hasnt been broken into!

An excellent day after all ;)

On a vaigly related note, I have recently become aware of the national insurance I have to pay on my earnings. I have to pay approximately £15 per week, which is equivalent to an hour of work. So, since, in effect, I will not be paid for an hour each week, I have decided to take half an hour of the last day of each course off. If I leave here at 11.45, I will arrive home at 11.55, giving me 10 minutes at home to leave at 12.05, and get back here at 12.15. I will tell the children that I will be back in a second, and that until I return, they are to remind themselves of how the internet works, a phrase which I use frequently. I shall then repeat this at 3.15.

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