Oh dear

Well, domains still arent up, and tomorrow I have one nasty exam. Really really nasty.

I do, however, only need to score 25% to pass... iirc I have to answer 3 out of 5 questions, so I think it'll be a case of 'pick three that I can get 1/3 of the marks on'...


Todays exam was really really easy though. I mean seriously simple. 2 hour exam, I was done in 20 or 30 minutes. 2 marks that I'm not sure I got right...

But tomorrows... not good. For a start, it's at 9.30. Then, there's what it's on... logic. Turing machines. Finite state machines, deterministic and non-deterministic finite automaton, languages, grammar, lemmas, Church-Turing thesis, lambda calculus, recursive functions, aaaaaaaaargh

I've seen last years paper, and, well, 25% is looking unlikely.


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