
This evening we went to the cinema to see Monsters Inc. Funny film :)

Am also getting addicted to Starbucks' hot chocolate and their shakey stuff - I've probably shaken at least a jar and a half of chocolate powder over the cream in this week alone...

Oh, and I accidentally deleted something on my linux machine that I shouldn't have. /etc/X11. Reinstalled Debian today, and am now back where I was this morning, plus a driver.

Have also added a cron job to update the favicon images on the links page every day at midnight GMT. Well, I added the cron job at the same time as the links script, but it was today I noticed it didnt work properly (messed up paths)... Why a midnight cron job? It can't be realtime, it'd take too long, and it's not important enough to run every hour or something :p

Anyway, tomorrow brings x, apache, samba and house hunting.

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