Another spiffy day on quarry 5

I've been playing scientist hunt for a bit, but I quit after 900 frags.

Woke up at 9:11. Got to my 9.15 at 9.16. Woke up at 10.10 and came back for some breakfast. Went to the 11.15 system architecture 'tutorial', where we kick people out of a computer room, sit down and answer retarded questions on paper about logic using some dumbass variation on the lecturer's notation that we've never seen before. And then we leave, saying that the past two hours were a wonderful learning experience and how we look forward to it again next week. Or something. And the lazy merkin across the hall didn’t appear till 12.15, even though I started banging on his door after my breakfast and I heard him say 'Yeh, look, I'll be down in a bit' at about 11. So god knows (but wishes he didnt) what he was doing till 12.15. Oh, then he decided he should get on with the programming coursework due in tomorrow rather than come to the programming lecture. Probably a good idea, seeing as it was even more boring than the programming coursework I did. Woo, let's write nim for one pile, that'll be fun! More fun than spending 2 hours being told how to read from a text file.

Still no more dvds from Play, which is annoying. I want them now, but I'm going to have to wait till next week.

I'm going home tomorrow, and then I'm going to the pub, where I'll be getting extremely drunk, beating on some brain-dead Tonbridge lower-6th test-tube accident after they start taking the piss (they always do it – for some inexplicable reason, I am to morons what those big blue butchers lights are to flies), before being dragged outside by the bouncers and driving myself into the nearest building after I've found my car.

And as you may have noticed, I changed the site a bit, and made a gay little animation of me jigging from side to side. I need help. I've been playing scientist hunt for most of the day, and I got 900 frags. With the crowbar and chainsaw.

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