'The Whole Nine Yards' arrived on Friday (watched on Friday), and 'Evolution' today (just watched). Both excellent films :)

It looks like 'The Parole Officer' (probably the funniest film of 2001... no, Jurassic Park 3 doesnt count, it was supposed to be scary) will be released on R2 DVD in February 2001. W00t!

Now all I have on order is the next Stargate DVD (released later today iirc! woo!), and 'The Italian Job'. Unfortunately, play inform us that 'the studio has deleted this title for reasons unknown to us'. Which sucks. Maybe they thought it would be bad taste to release such a violent film in the wake of the terrorist attacks on america... dammit, that attitude annoys me. People say 'oh, we can't do such-and-such, that would be such bad taste'. You were going to do it before it happened, if it's *that* wrong you shouldnt really have been doing it in the first place. But I mean, I read somewhere that someone was censoring Counterstrike, so that it was made of 'Attackers' and 'Defenders', and the bomb was replaced with a radio. Oooh, attackers, quick turn on the radio and win. You shouldn't stop there either, replace all the weapons with feather dusters and people don't die, they giggle until they have been tickled so much that they are unable to move due to laughter. Honestly, people should show less sensitivity. Yes it was tragic, yes lets all be upset, but no, don't spoil things that are good because our society is so hell-bent on not offending anyone. Let's face it; if it wasnt for offensiveness, life would be a very boring place.

While on the subject of Counterstrike, I've found some very cool Half-Life mods recently:

  • Scientist Hunt - there is a map full of scientists. You have guns. They run...

  • Snow War - snowball fights! looks good fun, but the only bot patch I could find sucked

  • Wanted Half-Life - A big Wild West TC. Excellent :)

  • Azure Sheep - you're a security guard and have to escort a female colleague to safety... again, a big patch, but very much half-life. Something to do while you're waiting for half-life 2...

  • Day Of Defeat - I know I posted it the other day, but I'm being thorough...

  • Paintball - looks fun, but couldn't find any bot patches. Also be wary of the link - everywhere says this should be the site, but it looks like a porn site :p

*Shrug* while being thorough... here's some bot stuff

  • Pod Bot - excellent bot for Counterstrike

  • Sturm Bot - bot for Day Of Defeat

  • Bot Epidemic - the bot site. Every bot for every game. Apart from half life paintball

Also (unrelated) check out Ant City, and who remembers Angband? :)

Well, there's an essay. Think that makes up for some of the lack of posts over the past year and (almost) 7 months (eek!)... So I think I'll go to bed now :)

Oh yeh, and you all know what's going to happen in 4 days time... it's all ready, I just have to type one line into my prompt... :)


I owned the Paintball mod domain, the site used to get quite a few hits like my network site Total-Reload.com (don't click it). Porn sites like to buy up expired domains of popular sites.

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