Diary: September 2001


Theo made a mistake and killed the server a couple of days ago...

My computer's working good now... apart from the dvd drive which refuses to play dvds. Hohum.

My 100 mbit switch has arrived... yay, 4 minutes to copy across 600mb :)

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Not much is happening...

I've finished USML (even though this is the fourth time I've said that, I think it really is this time... apart from getting it to work with mod_perl :p ), I've been taking photos for the school's virtual tour, and have been making a few visits to the pubs...

And I've got my DVD drive working! My computer works now - yay :)

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Struth... 2 planes into the WTC towers with 20,000 people in it, a plane into the Pentagon, a plane down outside Pennsylvania, the towers collapsed...

I'm not going to try to say something meaningful; words can't really do it justice...

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Contact lenses

I've got my contact lenses in! And out! And in and out again! And in a third time! They've been in for about 30 minutes now, and I'm starting to get used to them... I can read stuff :p

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Hi, I'm at Jamie's house. Yay... we just went to watch the school rugby, and we're going to the pub tonight. To drink a lot... Yay!

For those of you who were at the Leavers' Ball 2001, I have the official photos from it in my photos section (here) - a note was sent round to all leavers in their results saying that the photos would be on the school website, but the powers that be decided that they were not suitable for prospective parents. It is possible that they will be moved to a user-based password-protected section ...

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