Diary: August 2001
Yesterday, Jamie Ballin organised a dinner party for a few friends - me, Chris, James, Nick o, Stu, Olivia, Tomris, Jamie's sister (Lucy) and Alice...
It was a great evening, lovely meal, and then we went outside for a couple of drinks before Olivia and Tomris left. And let's put it this way, the mixers in the cocktails were mainly alcoholic...
Anyway, later in the evening, after too many 'double' vodka and red bulls (it was more half and half...), Stu and Lucy got a bit, uh, friendly. When Jamie found out, he did the decent thing, protected his ...
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i am being ver hcareful to tyupe right ongiht. im very very drunk. ive had a lot to drink. well not that mucha actually, im just tired and itt ss hitting me ahrd :)))))
6 or so misnroff cies, 4 afterhsocks. i ddnno exactly, im very ery drunk.
ehheh, put som ephotos on my website now of me durnn, i'll probabyl rtake soem off tomorrw when im sober.....
oh god ifve ahad toooom uch too rdreink... sucessful a-levl celergraitions :)
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The mega-beastie is coming along nicely... mobo's in the case, processor and heatsink are in, gfx card and memory are in, and so is the floppy drive. The hds are screwed into place, but not connected yet... but it boots. which is the main thing :p
Went to see Jurassic Park 3 today... god damn that's an awful film... they took the scripts for JP1 and JP2, made a list of all the good bits and said 'OK, let's not use this, and make a film with what's left'...
Time for bed...
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Yay! I finished building my new computer last night! Haven't had a chance to install an OS or anything, but the hardware all seems happy. The ide cables only just reach from the mobo to the hds, but hey...
Just can't decide whether or not to keep the live drive in there... Photos in the photos section, you decide!
I'm teaching people how to use font and center tags today. Wahay.
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It's the end of the courses for another year... one day left. Mmm, holiday again...
And the w2k cd is in the post, so I can get my computer working soon...
And I got 109 wpm with no errors in 'mavis beacon teaches typing' today :)
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