The Last Week

I drank FAR too much on Friday... recovered on Saturday (and returned to the pub Saturday evening)... I don't know how I lived without the pub :)

Sunday was a day of Perl and music; at 4.30 we had an orchestra rehearsal for the leavers' concert on Friday, at 7.15 it was the leavers' chapel service, and at 8.15 it was Mr Williams' final organ recital. What an exciting day :p

Today I ordered Freespace 2 (I know I'm a couple of years off, but it's a good game :)), played a bit of Freespace 1 to remind myself why I wanted Freespace 2... then another orchestra rehearsal at 4.30, watched Voyager (yay, Nelix lost his vocal chords!), and since then I've been Perling while Sky 1 is on in the background... I'm working on USML (Uzeweb Serverside Markup Language), which will probably be in use on at least 5 websites when finished.

It's that time of the night; Longplay has been going for a while (the video for 'Coffee and TV' by Blur is so cool :)), my eyelids are trying to close and I swear it's getting light outside. Time for sleep.

And so my last week at Tonbridge School has started...

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