Mechanics 1

Well... I've just had a piano lesson (in which I sight-read two pages of Debussy - not a good lesson :p), and here I am in the computer room preparing for / panicking about my Mech 1 exam which is in approximately 50 minutes. I've already taken it twice; the first time I got 53/70 (low B), and the second time I got, well, a much lower mark :p

Blighs is closing tomorrow; apparently they close when they have no more alcohol to sell. And apparently, it's £1 / drink. WAHAY! So, if there's anyone in the Sevenoaks area; see you in Blighs tomorrow evening!

Contact (the film) arrived on DVD this morning; will watch that when I get home and let you know what it's like - Dan Brusca says it's great. But then again, he likes the new-style Radiohead... *shrug* we'll see :)

Hmm, maybe I should revise rather than add diary entries... See you later...

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