Diary: May 2001


Well... tomorrow I finish computer science A-Level. Three exams (Business Apps, Distributed Systems and Information Apps)... I'm doing business apps as an extra; the way I see it, due to their nutcase mark scheme, you stand as much of a chance getting an A on a paper as you do a C, so the more papers I do, the higher my probable mark will be...

Anyway... counting tomorrow as an exam day, I only have 1 more day of school, and only 2 lessons left :)

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Last IT exams

Yay! No more IT ever! Sure, compsci at uni (if i make it =)), but thats not IT :p

Just had the last IT exams; extra paper this afternoon (I did 3 modules, the best 2 will count)... think I did ok in the first two, but I knew as I did it that I had messed up the first question of the third paper (about an electricity company and their databases, and men who go read the meters and fill out the readings on the forms...), so answered the following for question 4:

In the new system, the forms currently ...

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Last day of school...

Well... I've had my last day of school. Feels really weird... Sure I've got exams and stuff, but no more lessons... eek

And I'm off to the pub in an hour or two! Woo!

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yay dfrunk

hi! i'm completely, um, drunk. two carling, a double vodka and red bull, two smirfnoff ices and three aftershocks. YAY! Went to blighs then bar med, so much fun!

nick fell over on the pavement and blood went all over his teeth

Hi nick! Hi stu! hi nick! hi chris! hi everyone!

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