
Last night's TV on Sky 1 was brilliant!

Stargate: Has to be one of the best ever. Lameish story line (they get alien devices which make them superhero-type things), but there was a lot of humor, a bit of 'oh no how are they going to get out of this', and a brilliant scene where they laid out an entire Goa'uld army :)

Voyager: This one's brilliant... Jaineway returns from a trading mission to find Voyager has been overrun by viral thingies. There's another brilliant bit where she goes into engineering and breaks out the emergency phasor rifle...

ER: Like the others, dodgy story line, but with a scene that redeems it all... benzine contamination results in chaos, then Carter sorts it out. The ER writers are very good at controlling what you feel...

Anyway, time for lunch...

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