Diary: September 2000


Hiya... I'm STILL waiting from my minidisk head unit from letsbuyit.com... thats one month and a week... grrr.

planetriscos.co.uk has had well over 1000 hits in just over a fortnight... neato :)

Voyager tonight was brilliant btw. but I've got loads of work, so I'm off.

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Society Fair

At my school we have societies. Each has one or more secretaries. I am the secretary of the computer society, with Michael Poston.

Every term, on the second wednesday back, we have a society fair - secretaries of all the societies (or most of them) set up a display in one of the halls, and the new boys walk from display to display saying 'ooh' and signing up to join that society.

It was society fair day today.

I am sitting in the computer room after carrying two computers, monitors, keyboards and mice, plus speakers down to the hall (at 1 ...

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Last night's TV on Sky 1 was brilliant!

Stargate: Has to be one of the best ever. Lameish story line (they get alien devices which make them superhero-type things), but there was a lot of humor, a bit of 'oh no how are they going to get out of this', and a brilliant scene where they laid out an entire Goa'uld army :)

Voyager: This one's brilliant... Jaineway returns from a trading mission to find Voyager has been overrun by viral thingies. There's another brilliant bit where she goes into engineering and breaks out the emergency phasor ...

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Good and bad

Well, three good things happened today; my new keyboard (Microsoft Internet keyboard - great, apart from the keys are about 1cm too high) and mouse (Logitech Pilot Wheel - lovely) arrived from Dabs today, and my copy of Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (mmm) arrived from Amazon!

STVEF is, quite simply, the best single-player game I've played since half-life. I've only completed the first couple of missions so far, so it's too early to say it's better than half-life, but it's looking very promising (certainly has more scope for interesting plot twists). The weapons are fine, the ...

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Yay... A3000 works again...

I've spent all evening arranging something for the house music competition, and it isn't going to work :(

Wasted evening...

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