
Well, the morning group was fine (we did banners (correct size from the start today...) and 'No Entry' thingies for their bedroom doors... very exciting), but my exam results were dissapointing (I need to write a spell checker into my admin script don't I). I believe I was two marks off an A in my compsci first module (how the hell did I manage that?! I thought I'd scored a solid A on that one... *sigh* I'll have to retake that next year), I dropped two marks on Pure 1 (The easy one - I'll have to retake that next year too because I'll need them two marks on the grade average), and got a couple of solid Bs in stats 1 and mech 1 (So yep, I'll have to retake that as well). But thankfully the physics results aren't here yet, so I can still say that I haven't scored anything less than a B while at Tonbridge. Yay.

Now I'm off to collect the afternoon group... we're going to go walking round the school taking photos (two each, and a photo of them too) with the digital camera. Should be fun (although has the potential to be a disaster...

radiac hears cries of 'whats over there', 'I need the toilet' and 'can I just go into the shop to buy some sweets'... Oh well, just as long as I don't get any of them killed it should be OK.

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