
I've added a few more photos to the gallery, tidied my room and killed some spiders. Spent about 45 minutes chasing one round the room with the vacuum cleaner... it would move behind a desk, I'd move the desk, it would move behind a chest of drawers... gah... I got it in the end though.

Have also made a few changes to some of my admin scripts to make it nicer and easier for me to update and edit the site. Woo :) Am also working on a VB program so that I can modify the site without having to load IE and click links. (It'll do other stuff like keep home.radiac.net pointed at my IP - but more of that later :) )

And I discovered that I can't get an optical converter for my SB Live... so I'm going to have a go at making one, the plans for which I got off minidisc.org - brilliant MD resource :)

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