Diary: August 2000


Had another week of courses started today. Went in in the morning thinking it was computer art... found out it was DTP about 10 minutes into the lesson... that was fun...

I'm tired and I have a headache and my jaw hurts when I yawn.

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Aaargh, don't think I'm going to enjoy tomorrow much... hardly any idea what I'm going to do with the DTP people, and to make matters worse I'm getting my a-level module results at mid day :((((((

Think I should have a couple of As, but I'm not expecting much for the physics...

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Well, the morning group was fine (we did banners (correct size from the start today...) and 'No Entry' thingies for their bedroom doors... very exciting), but my exam results were dissapointing (I need to write a spell checker into my admin script don't I). I believe I was two marks off an A in my compsci first module (how the hell did I manage that?! I thought I'd scored a solid A on that one... *sigh* I'll have to retake that next year), I dropped two marks on Pure 1 (The easy one - I'll have to ...

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