
Well, have been 'restored' to SU at TR... after what, 3 or 4 months as an admin, they stick me in as a SU, not LA or even ASU, just a plain ol' SU. Pffft. Apparently it may be because I haven't been active enough... hmm well that would be because whenever I came up with ideas they were ignored, and once when I tried to express my views they demoted me. And TBH, making me a SU is just plain insulting. I feel I've been 'betrayed' by someone who I thought was a friend, and now I'm getting depressed again.

Anyone know of a nice talker? Or a nice mIRC room?

Made a little modification to the popupradicam window... now accessible from radicam.radiac.net/popup...

I'm listening to 'Here with me' by an artist called 'Dido'... absolutely brilliant. You've got to go and buy her album 'No angel' now. This song is temporarily available from the guides section as a taster... seriously, buy the album!

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