I'm Back!

You may have noticed that, for the first time in 9 years, this diary had fallen silent for not one but two entire months. You would be forgiven for assuming that this meant that I had died; however, you would be incorrect. I am very much alive. Bigger and better than ever.

Well, bigger at least - I've been on holiday in America for a month, eating bad meals three times a day every day. It was brilliant. Everything we did when we weren't eating was also brilliant - so much so that I feel the need to upload all 1500 photos and videos we took. But fear not; I'm in the process of going through the photos, sifting them down to a more browse-able number, then I'll stick them up here with a brief but brilliant write-up. It will be as if you'd been there yourself, only without the need to spend so much time in the gym afterwards.

For those who can't wait, here's the executive summary: we flew to San Francisco and drove to Yosemite, went back to the coast at Monterey and drove down to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, then across to Las Vegas before breaking our flight home with a short stop in New York.

But that misses out all the interesting bits, like my gambling victories in Vegas, or that time I got swine flu on the bus back from our trip to Arizona. Well, according to the NHS website, but that thing would prescribe tamiflu to someone with an ingrown toenail. But I digress - point is, check back later.

Needless to say, I haven't been idle on the work front; I've been working on the CMS before, during and after the holiday, and it's pretty much done now - just a couple of months of finishing touches to go, then I can see about releasing a beta. Still needs a name though.

Since my last entry I've also started work on the new radiac.net and richardterry.co.uk; don't expect anything for a couple of months, but I'll be splitting my diaryblogthing in two: radiac.net will become my purely personal site for friends and stalkers, in an attempt to recreate the low-pressure glory days of yore when I'd rack up 30+ posts a month; and richardterry.co.uk will be a tech blog, full of things that friends and stalkers find boring, but which I feel would appeal to the wider audience of strangers with an insatiable appetite for links that appear halfway down page 73 of obscure google searches.

I've also started working on a couple of secret projects I'm pretty excited about - but you'll have to wait until next year find out about those.

I will leave you with a link for my more tech-minded readers; the ISC have written about one of my pet hates, agreeing with what I've been saying for years; that regularly changing your password is a generally bad idea, especially when you're forced to.









Well, a brave promise to update more.

Two weeks, no update... hope one is drafted!

There, one just for you!

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