LAAFF 2008

This weekend is the 117th LAAFF: Annual Atrocious Film Festival, and is being held in Cheltenham. The organisers are expecting better attendance than the previous 114 film festivals - which consisted of me slowly working my way through my DVD ollection.

I'm now expecting 8 friends from uni to arrive at my flat at some point today or tomorrow. This is sadly down from 10 as two had to drop out, but the up side is that 8 people are more likely to fit in my flat than 10. Especially as they will be sleeping on the floor.

I am now away to buy lots of food. Which will be fun - I don't know when the 8 people are arriving, so I have to buy enough food for 8, but not too much for 4. A challenge indeed, but one that I shall relish. Ooh, relish, there's an idea.

And just to clear up any confusion, the L in LAAFF has to stand for something different every time it's used. That is the law of absurd backronyms.


Hey Rich -- I'll hopefully be arriving around 1830, depending on exactly which train I manage to catch. Will let you know via SMS soon as I know. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Ah, getting the train - a wise choice! See you in a bit!

We're on the train! Arrive in Cheltenham at about 12.30 I think.

Hiya, we will be in at about 12:20 in Cheltenham spa (turns out it was a 5+ hour train journey) - I alwasys thought it was the Laughably Attrocious Anual Film Festival ;)

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