
Right, well thats the literature search done... mostly... Hmm. Going to do my dissertation *before* the last week of next semester...

Having a party here tomorrow night - the first Lunatics Annual Atrocious Films Festival (LAAFF, pronounced LAAAAAAA-FFFFFFF, with an odd expression on your face). We will watch bad films and eat food. It will be glorious. And annual, so those of you who miss LAAFF 2003 will get to turn up to LAAFF 2004. Please note that just because it is annual, it does not mean that it will only happen once a year, and neither does it mean that it will happen at the same time every year. For example, in 2004 it would be conceivable that there may be three. And it would be silly if they were all on the same day.

The most important rule of LAAFF is that I'm there - it's not LAAFF if I'm not, so you placement people had better remember to invite me. Unless I have died in some tragic bad-film-related accident, in which case it will be a fitting tribute, but I demand that a wall-sized poster of my face be present and unfurled behind the television at all times during the proceedings. Unless holography has been invented by then, in which case I want to be put in the corner doing a little dance, that would be cool.

The second most important LAAFF rule is that there is food and drink. Should be able to manage that.

And the third is that the films should be bad, but in a good way - this year the attendees will get to choose from Shadow Run and 3 classics. But they get no choice in the feature film for the night; Black Christmas, the most perfect choice for a Christmas LAAFF.



It sounds fabby. Sadly, due to incompetence of BUFS I am almost definitely going to be late. If I only have to help at the start of the film I will probably be able to arrive at 8.30/9, however if (due to the incompetence and RUDENESS of some people and the luck out of me being house manager) I have to stay and supervise the whole damn thing, I will be even later than that - 10/10.30. Mind you i know everyone will only be sitting around waiting for me (and Tristan) anyway so probably I won't miss much XD XD XD

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