LAAFF 2008 Report

It has been 2 and a half weeks since LAAFF, so it must be time for a report! The Friday evening saw Tristan, Mark and Meri arrive, followed shortly after by Peter and Charlene, who brought Rock Band. I cooked pizzas and sausage rolls until everyone was full, then I cooked some more just in case. Rock band was played into the night, and resumed in the morning while Laura, Natalie and Simon arrived. We then ate more food, played Mario Kart, and watched the excellent "Ninja Dragon" (which clearly wasn't two unrelated films randomly spliced together) before going out for a curry at the finest Indian restaurant in town. We watched another film, played Soul Calibur, slept (there was room everyone, hurrah), and then played Mario Kart some more before the LAAFF shuttle service took people off to the station. I thought people would drift away gradually depending on how far away they lived, but within an hour of the first person leaving, the house was empty again. Sadness. But apparently everyone had a good time, which is excellent. Thank you to everyone who came, and I know some of you had particularly long journeys, but it was good to meet up again. To re-live the good times, or for the curious non-LAAFF-ers, Natalie has provided photographic proof of the event on flikr.

There has been much news in the past month, but also much activity. More posts shall follow!


That sounds like a great event! It sounds like you had lots of fun, anyway. Your house also looks very nice on those pictures.

I want to come visit :(

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