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We Love The Library

That's cool. My mind isn't corrupted. But then I saw dolphins first as you'd suggested they were there. BLEH. Very nice piece of Escher style artwork though :)

I saw dolphins too

And how the hell did you find that video? It's insane!

Your mind is indeed corrupt... evidently, mine isn't - once I knew what I was looking for, they're bloody obvious. Though I have to admit they weren't the first things that came to mind.


Yes, you definitely have issues.


It most certainly has. I've been playing it for two days now!

Must have given you hours of fun ~:P


class tristan () {
function eedyut() {
return true;

What can I say... I just forgot :)

You know...

I have been partying like crazy, too... I even found this place that sells pear cider. Yay!

Firebord Sucks It

tsk - some people are just so picky!

Nah, opera sucks. For example, try the perfectly valid CSS setting of text-indent: -10px; Negative number? Wha? I know, I'll ignore the - sign and indent it by 10px, he'll love that and i'm sure it won't mess up his menu.

Thanks, but no thanks :)

Use Opera. It's got tabs and gestures and it's not as buggy as Firebird is at the moment. Go on, you know you want to :)

You know...

I go out at least 2 or 3 times a week at home, it's more like 2 or 3 times a year at uni :p

OOh noticed one thing about firebird and your site. highlighting "you know" doesn't come up as you use their highlighting colours. That and if you highlight "Welcome:archive" then make another application active and the highlight disappears. (check, the colours with another highlight). It appears, radiac, firebird likes the same colours as you.

*NoVisAnima giggles* Radiac isn't becoming a party animal... this i've learnt is perfectly normal. He dulls down during uni.

and *nod* i wish that being at home was as interesting. 2 weeks in france sure preserved some sanity.

O.o you seem to be getting a right party animal!! wish my life was that interesting

Firebord Sucks It

I am using 0.6.1

Are you using the latest beta version or something? Bound to be a bit buggy if you are...

Stick with it Richard, trust me ... Firebird is the way! :p lol